• The Empowered Heart Guidebook •
A Map & Method for Healing Unresolved Trauma
The Empowered Heart Guidebook (the abridged version of Journey of the Empowered Heart) is a gentle and safe path to navigate the painful, emotional challenges and struggles of life. Through the approach, we learn to better understand why we're struggling––the avoidance of unresolved trauma and pain––and how to constructively bring the healing light of awareness and resolution to those painful places within.
Each page is a stepping stone along the journey, allowing you to safely and constructively understand the uncomfortable experiences of your past that you may have learned to avoid. As you peel through the aftermath layers of pain and discomfort, you'll begin to unfurl your experiences, understand your unmet needs. Then, through the self-trust gained along the way, you'll gradually awaken to the power of compassion, love, and the confidence needed to finally take action in getting those needs––Connection, Release, Comfort, and Love––met.
When clicking on the button links, you can choose to purchase a copy of the limited addition, gold foiled version. Or, purchase the quick print or digital version through Amazon.
• Das Empowerte Herz Leitfaden •
Ein Weg Und Eine Methode Zur Heilung Ungelöster Traumata
"Das Empowerte Herz” ist eine Methode und Sprache, die Menschen dabei unterstützen soll, emotionalen Schmerz zu heilen und in einem präsenteren, bewussteren Zustand zu leben.
Viele von uns kämpfen mit Scham, Angst, Sucht und vielem mehr. Wir fühlen uns machtlos und haben das Gefühl, keine Kontrolle über unsere Gedanken oder Gefühle zu haben. Wir leiden und stecken fest.
Zum Glück gibt es einen Ausweg.
"Das Empowerte Herz" bietet eine umfassende Karte zur Bewältigung der Schmerzen, die aus emotionalen und psychologischen Traumata resultieren. Durch diesen Ansatz können wir besser verstehen, wonn es uns schlecht geht und warum. Dann können wir den Schmerz aktiv lösen und zu einem Zustand der Präsenz, des Mitgefühls und des Empowerment zurückkehren.
• Journey of the Empowered Heart •
A Pathway Through Suffering and into Compassion, Confidence and Healing.
On the Journey of the Empowered Heart, we'll take a clear, safe path inward to understand why you're struggling. Then, through easy and approachable steps, we'll depart the realms of suffering and work towards healing the pain.
For that reason, this 400+ page book isn’t just a“5 easy steps” process. It’s more like a 14-stage circular odyssey.
By awakening your inner strength, and being more loving and compassionate with yourself, you’ll go from feeling lost and insecure to being united with your true self––present, confident, and empowered in your heart.
Along the way, there will be extra treasures of awareness to add to your satchel of wisdom, such as:
• How insecurity derives from not feeling safe
• What emotional hunger is
• Why we feel jealousy and envy
• Why crying might be the healthiest thing we can do for ourselves
• How to regulate our relationship with social media
• Why “feeling bad” isn’t healthy
• How to be better friends to ourselves
• Why forgiveness is so beneficial
• What true confidence is
• The difference between false power and true power